Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Dog's Way Home Series by W Bruce Cameron

Bella finds herself living with some people in a different city waiting for her people, but she gets restless and takes off for home. I loved listening to her thoughts, and cheered her all the way. Much like Mitch Albom has seemingly cornered the market on heaven, author W. Bruce Cameron has marked his territory with uplifting dog stories.

a dog's way home series

I tangled with the kittens, wrestling and climbing and chasing all day. Sometimes I would growl at them, irritated with their style of play, which just seemed wrong, somehow. I wanted to climb on their backs and chew on their necks, but they couldn't seem to get the hang of this, going limp when I knocked them over or jumped on top of their tiny frames. Sometimes they wrapped their entire bodies around my snout, or batted at my face with teeny, sharp claws, pouncing on me from all angles.

Friend Reviews

During that journey Bella encounters many people and touches each of their lives, just as they touch hers. This book surprised me at every turn, which is something Cameron is the master of doing. And I loved the fact that Bella is a girl, and that a lot of her take on things seems to come from a female understanding of life, and the importance of mothering and care taking. I was randomly selected to receive a copy of this book prior to publication--I don't receive any compensation for posting this review. Bella was rescued as a puppy by a kind hearted boy, Lucas.

a dog's way home series

And In a Dog’s Courage, Bella once again shows tremendous strength and loyalty when she finds herself lost in the Rocky Mountains after being separated from the family on a camping trip. Yes, this is the same story told again (Homeward Bound and it's various sequels), however it's a little different. The animals are animals, and they don't talk, however the main dog does tell the story from her point of view. She arrived in my life when I was just beginning to connect some of the dots in my memory to make a picture of who I was, forming my identity as a child. I remember every skinned knee and bicycle ride in the context of Cammie, who was always there for me. And I lost her just as I was starting to leave childhood behind, passing on after I’d spent a year in college.

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Later, when the light from the hole had been its brightest and had started to dim, I picked up a whiff of another human, a different one. Now that I understood the difference, I realized I had had this scent in my nose before. I was playing with Mother Cat's relentless kittens when our world shattered. This time the light wasn't a single shaft, it was a blazing explosion, turning everything bright. When Mother hunted, she went no farther than the big bowls of dry food that were set just inside the square hole.

I could smell them though, as clearly as I could smell my mother as I took nourishment, or my siblings stirring next to me as I worked my way to find life-giving milk. I agree with Molly but it seems that without that in the book, Cameron can't express the actual feelings of the characters. Also that Cameron wanted to make it stand out from other books of a similar plot. We may receive commission if your application for credit is successful, the commission does not affect the amount you will pay under your agreement.

Shelby’s Story Publisher's Summary

Adversity soon appears for the first time, along with saviors, animal and human. The city of Denver’s Breed Specific Legislation banning pit bulls then sets the stage for the perilous journey ahead. It had everything I look for in a great animal story. A lovable dog, people who were both good and bad, and a great story about the love of a dog for her human and even other species, like cats.

a dog's way home series

I was probably 8 years old, playing in the back yard of our house in Prairie Village, KS, when my dad opened the gate and in rushed a 9-week-old Labrador puppy. I fell to my knees and spread my arms and that dog leaped into them as if we had loved each other our whole lives. It’s a scene that shows up in A Dog’s Purpose—a puppy and a boy meeting each other the very first time, both of them full of unrestrained joy. This book is another wonderful adventure that exposes the reader to every emotion possible, all while introducing you to a wide range of characters that actually exist in our every-day lives. I was given the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of W.

I heard dirt moving and distinct, heavy footfalls, so much louder than the quiet steps of the cats. Slowly, the presence of the new creatures faded from the hole, and gradually the kittens resumed their play, happy again. I nursed alongside my siblings, then went to see Mother Cat's kitties. But it’s all relatively harmless, and anyone who loves dogs will overlook the story’s formulaic aspects and just enjoy having their heartstrings pulled.

a dog's way home series

As is true of the A Dog's Purpose series, this is a novel that was written for adults but contains nothing that I would be hesitant to let a middle schooler read. A dog's impossible journey through city and wilderness to reach its beloved owner. With the growing resurgence of romcoms, the notable names hitting the network and the dislike of the controversial Great American Family channel, the buzz around Hallmark Channel has grown in recent years.

Must Reads

I could smell the meal on her breath and it was fish and plants and meats, and I began to wonder what it would taste like. I had no sense of what was making these noises, nor why the den was filled with flashing lights. The scent of an entirely new sort of creature wafted toward me from the hole.

a dog's way home series

I found the book entertaining but I did not enjoy this book as much as the other 2 that I had read. Among which are things such as a single person can make a genuine difference with a little persistence and integrity and secondly do not ever judge a book by its cover. February has been and continues to be very hectic for me. What I needed was a comfort read, and this one did not disappoint. If I have the time, you can actually finish the book in one sitting. I could not put the book down till I was done reading it, from the first words.

When the opportunity presents itself, she escapes and starts heading home, a multi-year journey through the Rocky Mountain wilderness. That's why the dog on the cover of the book is only part pit bull. It made $3.3 million on its first day, including $535,000 from Thursday night previews.

Bella is a wonderful doggie, she's a fantastic, but did not really grow on me like Bailey did. Still, a worthy read for the animal lover, heartwarming and moving at times. After being rescued from a den, she grows inexplicably attached to Lucas. Having a dog isn't easy, and after teaching her to hide and not to bark, she nevertheless gets noticed in the apartments she's not allowed to live in.

Chabert's Avery has exciting news to share with her husband as they continue renovating their new house. And as the stresses start to get the better of her, she lies on best friends Tracy and Emma for support, who together learn that special wedding veil may have a little magic left in it. Hallmark Channel is wasting no time in the new year, kicking off 2023 with a brand-new film on January 1. The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating will star rom-com favorites Rebecca Dalton, Corey Sevier, and a bunch of lovable pups.

a dog's way home series

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